Fortnite Gets Flick Stick and Gyro Controls on PC and PlayStation

Elina Rudkovsky


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The recent update for Fortnite brings something more innovative than numerous collaborations and featured guests that we have got used to. Those on PlayStation and PC now receive new control options: gyro controls, enabling you to control the camera with accelerators, and Flick Stick, a new method to aim.

This is a little revolution in the tactile reception of the game, which influences the feel even more than your character’s appearance and maybe even the design of the island. It does not require a next-gen gamepad: both new features work with DualSense and DualShock equally well.

Gyro controls are the new system of controlling the camera that makes use of built-in motion sensors. With Gyro activated, all you need to do to turn the camera is to turn the body of the gamepad. It grants a faster response than the traditional control with the right stick. In the meantime, you can use the right stick for aiming if after activating Gyro Controls you also turn on the Flick Stick mode. With this mode on, you can use the right stick for quick aiming. This is less precise than the traditional method but much faster, so this can be a lifesaving feature for your game. You must notice, though, that with Gyro Controls on, aim assist is automatically disabled, so you have to choose between Flick Stick and the traditional aiming.

The update 19.30 is free, like all the updates for Fortnite. Another feature it brings is shortened load time. Now, instead of the mode selection screen, you’ll proceed directly to the lobby. The default mode is still Battle Royale, but if you want to enter Creative or Save tie World modes, they are available through the Change button.

Have you already installed the update? How does it feel with these new control options? You probably have a lot to tell about these new sensations, so welcome to our comments to share your impressions!
