About Us

The Passionate Team Behind 0X50's Success

Welcome to the video games and apps website! We are a team of passionate gamers, app developers, and tech-savvies dedicated to bringing you the best gaming and app experiences. The goal is to provide honest reviews, tips and tricks, editor’s picks, guides, and news about the latest apps and games.

David Vogt is a seasoned web developer with over five years of experience in the industry. As the founder and CEO of 0x50, David has combined his passion for gaming and applications with his expertise in web development, creating a platform that offers users the latest news, reviews, and direct download links for their favorite games and apps. David's vision for 0x50 is to create a one-stop destination for gaming enthusiasts and app lovers alike, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Meet the Remarkable Team Behind 0x50: The Ultimate Gaming & App Hub

The team consists of experts in various fields of gaming and app developers who take pride in providing users with valuable information about the latest trends and releases in gaming. The team duties include researching gaming trends, testing out different games and apps, writing reviews for users, providing helpful tips & tricks to make your gaming experience better, curating editor’s picks based on user feedback & reviews, creating guides to help you get started with different apps & games, and keeping up with the latest news in the world of gaming.

Elina Rudkovsky: The Masterful Author

Elina Rudkovsky is a versatile and talented author who brings her unique flair to 0x50's game and app reviews. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the latest trends in the industry, Elina crafts engaging and informative content to help users make informed decisions about their gaming and app choices. Elina's dedication to her craft ensures that 0x50 remains at the forefront of the gaming and app review world.

David Byrne: The Creative Author & News Hound

David Byrne is another accomplished author on the 0x50 team, specializing in bringing the latest news and articles about games and applications to the site's blog. David's commitment to staying up-to-date on industry developments ensures that 0x50 users always have the most current information at their fingertips. As a passionate gamer and app enthusiast himself, David understands the importance of reliable and timely news in the fast-paced world of gaming and applications.

Audrey Hansen: The Guide Creator & Community Manager

Audrey Hansen wears multiple hats at 0x50, taking on the dual roles of Guide Creator and Community Manager. As the Guide Creator, Audrey develops in-depth tutorials and walkthroughs to assist users in navigating and mastering their favorite games and applications. In her role as Community Manager, Audrey fosters a friendly and welcoming environment for 0x50 users, encouraging engagement and interaction among the site's growing community.


We understand that it can be challenging to find reliable sources for honest game & app reviews and information. That’s why we strive to be your go-to source! Here are just a few advantages that come with using a website:

  • Unbiased Reviews: The team provides honest reviews so that you can make informed decisions when choosing the right game or app for you.
  • Proven Tips & Tricks: We provide helpful tips & tricks based on real-world experience so you can get the most out of each game or app!
  • Up-To-Date News: Keep up with all the latest news in the world of gaming from site!


The video games & apps website was created from a passion for gaming. We wanted a place where gamers could discuss their experiences with different games & apps without worrying about biased reviews or unreliable information. Since then, we have become a reliable source for honest reviews about gaming-related things.


We hope this website can be your go-to source for all things related to video games & apps. Whether you’re looking for reliable reviews or helpful tips & tricks – we have something for everyone on site! Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit us – happy browsing! Together, the 0x50 team is dedicated to providing an exceptional online platform for gaming and application enthusiasts, offering the latest news, reviews, and resources to help users make informed decisions and enhance their gaming and app experiences.